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Table Tennis Bats

Table Tennis Bats

Table tennis is a game of exceptionally fine margins, and as such it requires a bat that is crafted to deliver the utmost accuracy, pace and spin.

The Butterfly table tennis bats we have in stock here at Just Rackets offer exactly that, having been constructed off the back of years of experience and expertise in how to create the perfect table tennis bat.

If you'd like to find out more about these products then you can call and speak to our friendly team on 01462 672 446 or alternatively browse our stock online now and purchase via our online store.

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On December 19th, 1950, Hikosuke Tamasu founded Tamasu Co., Ltd. in the small town of Yanai City, Japan. This was the beginning of a company career which is almost unique in table tennis.

The company founder Tamasu was a renowned international for Japan at his time. He fulfilled his dream of a lifetime when half a century ago he made his hobby his profession. At that time he could hardly imagine that he would make Butterfly the leading brand worldwide.

Support individuality

Creativity, durability and a profound technical knowledge meant success. Over and over again he looked for new possibilities in order to optimize techniques by innovative playing material. “Each player is different. Each one has his strength and weakness. By offering individual playing material I wanted to help players right from the beginning to emphasize their individuality”, he describes his company philosophy.

The breakthrough came 1960 and 1962, respectively, when Butterfly ALLROUND D 13 and TEMPEST D 13 were introduced. The greatest success, however, was the introduction of SRIVER in 1967, which is one of the most used rubbers worldwide. With the launch of BRYCE in 2000 a new generation of rubbers became popular. Its newest implementation is the High Tension system. Even though thus rubber won more than 30 world championships it has constantly been improved in order to cope with changes in the game. Butterfly’s most recent innovation is called spring sponge. Its secret lies in the unique sponge technology, which is introduced in the 2008 Tenergy series.


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