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Junior Squash Rackets

Junior Squash Rackets

The level of your squash playing skills will often depend on when you first picked up a racket, and the secret to being successful on the court is learning from an early age. With this in mind, here at Just Rackets we have a large selection of junior squash rackets from all the leading brands, designed to give your child the ideal start in this fantastic sport.

From Harrow Sports and Head to Karakal and Wilson, we have a huge range of fantastic rackets that have been constructed with exactly the same quality and durability you'd expect to find with an adult racket.

So if you're looking for a first class junior squash racket for your child look no further than Just Rackets. For more information regarding any of our products or to find out about our squash racket stringing service give us a call on 01462 672 446 today.

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